In a climate change WTF,  Houston displays the face of America’s climate change future.


Tired of repeated battering by over-energized storms, flailing about seeking solutions to its self induced wounds, the oil and gas hub seeks to form another committee to explore options for remediating the accelerating  destruction from repeated storms fostered by anthropogenic forcing of the radiative balance (the climate crisis).

An Effective Strategy To Help Mitigate The Climate Crisis

Below is a wonderful strategy for winning the climate battle

From the Press Release:

“…Gov. Jay Inslee and Washington State Department of Commerce Director Mike Fong previewed the $45-million state program offering instant rebates to eligible residents purchasing or leasing an EV. The program opens in August…”

The Social Contract

Ignorance, fear, confusion, ego, a lust for control, a lust for power, deception, war, a lack of truth, misplaced faith, a lack of hope; these have all led to the social contract as a course from the madness, through the avenue of science, to the veneer of civilization that has taken hold in the West since the Renaissance; because in the Renaissance, hope became tangible as institutions turned out to be accountable to truth. In Africa, the East, and the Mid-East, the same process took place sooner, and then wobbled due to the whims of fortune and the lure of power.

It’s not like the comedy of COP 28 is unpredictable…


October 30, 2000 – Sancho, Quixote, and the Keystone COPS

Sancho:     “Nice camera, Quixote, planning on shooting pictures of  some oil wells for the den?”

Quixote:    “You’re way too cynical, Sancho. I’ve got this camera because I’ve got a new assignment. I’m going to be a director for the cinema.”

Sancho:     “And I’m Clark Gable. I thought you were doing that cloning thing?”

Nov 172023

The Oil Wars

– An Unauthorized Review –

In the late 1970’s the fossil fuels companies were informed by their R&D people that burning fossil fuels created greenhouse gases (GHG) on a large scale. As a result, and due to the Greenhouse Effect, GHGs would inject excess energy into our delicate planetary climate system, ripping it out of balance, and re-configuring a benign climate into a deadly climate–endangering the lives of billions.

I wonder how many years it will take for truth to overtake the myth of Prohibition.

The Myth:

The National Prohibition Act, known informally as the Volstead Act, was designed to execute the 18th Amendment, which established the prohibition of alcoholic drinks. It had an effective date of January 17, 1920.

The Reality:

Mar 282023

For the first time, renewables (solar, wind etc.) surpass coal as a source for the US electric grid.


In 2011 EIA had this chart:

US Primary Energy Flow by Source and Sector

So the news is good, renewables increased from ~4% in 2009, powering the grid (according to EIA), to ~21% , powering the grid (according to EIA) in 2022. (Insert smiley face and celebration balloons here.)

Oct 182022





One of the top three oil-producing countries on the planet, Russia, has started a shooting war, invading the Ukraine. In the process, Putin threatens to use his nuclear option if his demands are not met.

Hold on. Is he nuts? What does he have to gain?

Or perhaps he is a mouthpiece for others? Okay then–what do “they” have to gain by holding the people of Earth hostage?


Aug 112021


Humans, a most-willing participant, whip the climate forward, howling maniacs snapping their economic depends at the burning landscape, spitting flames into the skies and onto the net, all the while expecting the wide cracks harboring their brain trust to make a safe landing in the oily excrement of their making. A mad program to corral an all-daring Gaia.

Grimm’s Thesis

Once upon a time in the state of Cosmos, in the musical town of Universe, on the street called Milky Way, there lived a family named System. In that family there was a daughter named Gaia, a precocious child with beautiful, watery blue-green eyes. When asked how old she was, Gaia replied, “I am 4.7 billion years old. That means I am almost five. But I might not make it to six because I have a very bad cold. I have had it for the last 60 million years or so.”

Aug 042018


“The Rag”

Originally, “The Rag” was a nostalgic commentary on my childhood experience with the New York Times and the New York Daily News. It is also included in this post later on, for clarity.


Or, How I learned to Love 21st Century American Environmental Philosophy in Fifteen Paragraphs, or Less

  1. Humans are part of the environment and they are influencers of the environment.
  2. Your environment can be many things: the physical environment; the economic environment; your interior environment, your health environment, or the political environment.
  3. The political environment in the US is degenerate; however, we the electorate can influence the political environment and nurse it back to health. Consider how much humans have influenced the planetary environment by upping our production of the insignificant CO2 molecules.

Forty Reasons Why There Isn’t Class Warfare In The USA


To Wit:

  1. It isn’t class warfare because, if it were, you’d already be stripped of your privacy
  2. It isn’t class warfare because, if it were, you’d see corrupt media and corrupted politicians marketing your chains as technological progress
  3. It isn’t class warfare because, if it were, you’d know corrupted-media when you encounter it

Chucklehead & Wheeler


Looking for a do-anything whore? Have the times caught up to you? Does your slow drilling get you down? Or have all the normal whores cut you off for your…exotic behavior? Perhaps that last Tinder-find disappointed you, again? Call Chucklehead & Wheeler. Your go-to, do-anything, whores in Washington DC–and all over America.

(No. That is not a joke. It really happened.)


Today March, 23, 2018, just before his vacation, Donald Trump signed into law the $1.3 trillion government-wide spending bill released late Wednesday by Congress. The bill, among other items, rejects proposals to slash the budgets of Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy.

(Hang on. There is a joke here. Let’s ask Scotty if he sees it. Scotty?)

To Wit:

(Voice Over)

–Now. Breaking News, live from CAN, the Climatebull Action Network

Our reporter, Stephen Schneider, explains–

(Cut to reporter)

“Climatebull scientists are today releasing the most detailed simulation of our warming climate ever created. Called an irrefutable model that leaves no doubt as to our future, legislators worldwide have tuned in to see the results due out in a few minutes. Here to explain this wonder of science, computation, and communication is the lead scientist on the project, Dr. Hephaestus Rex.”

Feb 142018

 Ring, Ring

“Hi, Lester. This is Bess Valentine. Your lobbyist in Washington…It looks like we may have an opportunity to turn this buggy whip thing around.”

“Oh yes, Bess Valentine. I remember you. How are you? Turn what around?”

“We want to bring the buggy whip industry back into the American mainstream.”

“Is this a joke?”

 “The current leadership is claiming renewables are the death of coal and that coal should be preserved.”

Got your cheeseburger? Okay here we go! This is going to be so much fun for you!

The picture comes from the people who host The World Economic Forum, as in Davos, Switzerland. Very Nordic, very nice people…

There are only a few big words. If you get confused, maybe Mikey can help you with them–or maybe not. (In case Scotty gets bored and starts to cry–someone get him a binky.)

Oct 272017

Perhaps it is time to learn from our future; after all, it is through the future that we finally understand the present.

Aug 282017


…Rex-Hunny, Harvey just will not leave us alone! He’s made a mess of the neighborhood with his partying. He’s closed down the bars and restaurants with his shenanigans. The maid can’t get here and the chauffeur is missing. The mess from Harvey’s partying is filling the streets with detritus, and some say it is going to take years to fix the roadways and buildings because of Harvey’s partying. Rex-Hunny, Harvey is a monumental disaster. Can’t you and your friends make him disappear? Throw some cold water on him or something!

From The News

…President Trump said that he is seriously interested in putting solar panels on the wall.  “There is a chance that we can do a solar wall,” he said. “We have major companies looking at that. Look, there’s no better place for solar than the Mexico border — the southern border…”

Estimations of how much energy a solar border wall would actually produce vary, depending on the size of the array and the wall itself. But some companies are already imagining what it would look like…


 “Our National Argument With Cain”

(February 20, 2011)

The defining issue of our generation will be our culture’s response to human forcing of the planet’s radiative balance. So far, our clumsy response to the crisis is not the fault of science, technology, or a lack of riches. Our pitiful response is the result of a societal rot fostered by a leadership that now believes Cain was correct. To achieve an effective response, we must refocus our resources in ways that support the ideals that founded this nation.

Apr 232017

Earth Day Remembered

Malfeasance Day                                             

From Exxonopedia, the corporate encyclopedia–

Malfeasance Day is an annual event celebrated on April 22. Various events are held during the worldwide event demonstrating support for the evisceration of science, the destruction of the scientific method, and the elimination of critical thinking. First celebrated in 2017, Malfeasance Day is now coordinated globally by SuperPACs.

Mar 112017

How To Dissect The Latest Twist: “Has The USA Lost Its Moral Authority?”


(dan, perhaps if  you put this part first it would read better –editor)

Oops, oh that’s right. There This is the current drama: Our nation’s loss of moral authority.  Let’s cut through this one. We wouldn’t want to miss a single Tweet. Insofar as Global Warming (anthropogenic forcing of the radiative balance), the United States of America is declaring war on the rest of the world by not supporting appropriate national controls on GHGs.  Or did you miss that one?

…Bifurcation is a quantitive change in an attractor’s structure as a control parameter is smoothly varied…

Or to put it another way…

Anthropogenic forcing (a quantitive change in a control parameter) of (our) the radiative balance (structure) will foster the tipping point (bifurcation) in our climate (an attractor).

Or to put it another way…


Industry Declares: “Hand Wringing As The Most Dangerous Part of Global Warming!”


Dec 132016

Misunderstanding Begins At The Top

Let’s look at an example of misunderstanding beginning at the top, ah, err, umm, how about the new Cabinet appointments? I’ve got it. Let’s use the ones tied into climate – Rick Perry, the Energy Secretary, Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State,  and Scott Pruitt as the Administrator of EPA. There are other players in the circus of climate change, but for the moment, let’s just focus on the current shock and awe campaign.


By 2014, it was common knowledge that if our society was to have a 50% chance of staying below the two-degree Celsius threshold, atmospheric concentration of the heat-trapping substances (GHGs) must stabilize at 450 ppm (parts per million) of CO2e  (the CO2-equivalent, not just CO2). This week, it was reported, the CO2-equivalent of greenhouse gases (GHGs) is now well over 470 ppm of CO2e. This means humanity’s-explorers-of-the-truly-immoral knew over two years ago that the advertised two-degree Celsius limit was unattainable, is unattainable anytime in the near future, and has been unachievable for longer than that.

Venice of the West

(October 6, 2026)

Overview -

(KNS)  The Supreme Court will hear opening arguments on the case commonly known as ‘Venice of the West.’ A bitter battle involving Miami, San Francisco, New York, and Venice, California, the case centering on who gets to call themselves the ‘Venice of the West.’ At stake are billions of dollars in tourist industry revenue. The ‘Venice of the West’ case is the first case to be heard by the Supreme Court in more than two years. The addition of Justice Kardasian to the court in August, bringing the number of justices to seven clearing the way for the ‘Venice of the West’ case to be heard.

Oct 052016

Consider the image. It is a suggested path of Hurricane Mathew – one that is becoming more likely every hour.


The image suggests Hurricane Mathew will strike Florida and then loop around for a second tour of the Eastern US within a few days.



“You must be Ms. Click-Bait.  I am here to see Mr. Zeus.”

“And you are?”

“Gaia, I have an appointment.”

“Mr. Zeus is very busy. I am not sure he will have time to see you.”

“It was arranged by Nomos and Themis, Attorneys at Law.”

“I see. Please take a seat Ms. Goya.”

“That’s Gaia.”

“Yes–of course.”


“You may go in now.”

Gaian Climate Systems

Application for Deferred Status or Exemption from

“S. Jackson Memorial Lottery”

Form GHG-2016


 (Note that exemptions may be full or partial, solely at the discretion of Gaian Climate Systems)
SECTION 1- Humor Exemption 2016:  Please read the instructions carefully.  Note that those filing for a Humor Exemption must still fill out Section 2. Our theme this year  is  “The 100-year Storm”

A) Instructions: Applying for a Humor Exemption 2016

May 232016

The Royal Society of London…

  • Had its first ‘learned society’ meeting in 1660
  • From 1663 on it would be known as The Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge
  • Published Newton’s Principia Mathematica and Benjamin Franklin’s kite experiment demonstrating the electrical nature of lightning
  • Backed James Cook’s journey to Tahiti, reaching Australia and New Zealand, to track the Transit of Venus
  • Published the first report in English of inoculation against disease

How About Brutal Hailstorms in Texas?


Hail, in Wylie, Texas pierced the roofing of homes and came to rest in residential spaces.
The hail broke through shingles, their underlayment, the OSB sheathing (like plywood), traversed the attic, shattered the ceiling board and came to rest in places like living rooms.
Estimates of damaging hailstone size indicate baseball to softball-sized hail.
You might reconsider your options for protecting your solar panels, your roof, and yourself.
No single event can be tied to anthropogenic forcing of the radiative balance?

In a way…These hailstone events will multiply, intensify, and foster new storm challenges.

(And Investors Business Daily)

To wit:

Editorial: Another Climate Alarmist Admits Real Motive Behind Warming Scare


…While the global warming alarmists have done a good job of spreading fright, they haven’t been so good at hiding their real motivation. Yet another one has slipped up and revealed the catalyst driving the climate scare.


…Let’s deal with

anthropogenic forcing of the radiative balance

to make it  (climate change) a little less miserable.

1) Extinction is a possibility. Reduce GHG emissions as if your life and the lives of your children depend on those reductions. That means swift, proactive action by citizens, our corporate citizens, politicians, and utilities to force cuts in our output of carbon dioxide (CO2). We must reduce our overall output of GHGs–to net zero. Net zero means we emit no more GHGs in a year than the planet can absorb in that same year.

Feb 242016



The new climate regime and its vast impact on economics have finally received a seat at the big table. Wise corporate boardrooms are in the process of fostering a transition from carbon-based processes to profitable, renewable-based processes integrating environmental assets and levers.

A Layperson’s Opinion–

Somehow,  failure has become a guiding principle for our corporate society. Does that foreshadow a day when corporate stupidity might therefore become a defensible legal argument?

Consider this. Instead of facing challenges head on, like climate change, racism, unemployment, or corporate corruption we see unfiltered information evoking media blasts declaring how journalists, scientists, and others are creating a climate of fear, selling out for funding, or spinning the truth to meet a researcher’s own objectives. Insofar as climate change (anthropogenic forcing of the radiative balance), we often read:

Climate Change Economics – 201 (<–mythical university class)

Dr. NWO  — Winter 2015 (<—ditto)

A Visionary:  (<—joke)

E. Scrooge, a man ahead of his time  (<—satirical comment)


When confronted on the topics of…The poor and destitute…The hundreds of thousands who may suffer from common comforts…E. Scrooge responded over and over, “Aren’t there enough prisons? Are the work houses in operation? The treadmills? The poor houses, still in full vigor?…I cannot afford to make idle people merry. My taxes help support the public institutions which I have mentioned and my taxes cost enough…”

Dec 132015


“Hello, this is World Leaders Plumbing, a proud new addition to the Corruption Inc., family of companies. You’re talking to Dolly in customer service. Whom am I speaking with?”

“Hi, this is Ms. Gaia. I have overflowing sinks and…”

“Is this Gabriela Gaia? The one who called the COPS on us?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

© 2011 The Climatebull Suffusion theme by Sayontan Sinha