I am a returns specialist in Hades. In my job, ya’ get to meet all kinds of people. Oh, you’re wondering what I am doing here and how come I have this job. I admit this job is a lot worse than I thought I could get. Just so you know, with the economic downturn, it was tough to find a position. I took the first job available to me. I should have known it was not as advertised; the first interview with HR was with some demon that smelled like sulfur. Then there was the management interview, if you can call it that. All I can say is my friends in the Nazi Party had nothing on this guy. So we clicked. Then of course, the last interview was with the big guy himself. It was a hell of an interview. I took the job. What the heck; marry the night. For a while, it was interesting with the coming of the Second World War and all. Then afterwards, those trials and things, damn it was like old home week seeing my old cronies. I didn’t get to talk to them. My friends never got near the returns desk. Every one of them buzzed on by, with me coughing up their smoke.