A decade ago, it would have been easier to address anthropogenic forcing of the radiative balance, but a manufactured debate and our nation’s No Regrets strategy, the cavalier policy propagandizing human munificence through environmental inaction while ignoring the energizing climate, derailed an effective proactive strategy. Today, the risk of failure for any project continues to intensify day by day, splaying our band-aid class of solutions for all time, while branding the pages of history with a chronicle of ineptitude, fear, corruption, and stupidity. Meanwhile, the suite of climate events continues to evolve through a set of non-deterministic, non-linear inputs setting the stage for unprecedented damage and cost. That suite of climate events, the ones in popular focus, includes items like sea level rise, drought, intensified storms, damaging hail, rogue waves, larger hurricanes, more tornado clusters, flooding, species migration, disease migration, economic disruption, ocean acidification, food crop damage, potable water issues, and defense problems. So much for No Regrets–how long will it be before we hear about the replacement for No Regrets?

Economics is a tool of nations, not the wealth of nations.

Many have lost track of civilized behavior by concluding the business of the nation equals the nation itself. This daft misconception has grown like a cancer, leading to much of the dishonesty and graft that we now see in America. The grime of corruption, mismanagement, and societal divisions run so deep, that patching up of the corrosion seems to overwhelm us. Pundits hint at a misplaced understanding of national maturity, which declares that we have no choice but to endure the decay we see around us and to move forward through a banana-republic framework. This false sense of maturity falls far short of the worst issue. Acknowledging corruption and not combating it is defeat for a nation, an endgame lost.

Apr 162012


Large centralized concerns considered by humans as “too big to fail” are in fact, bloated unbalanced systems that would die under their own weight–without support from the nation. Infrastructure disruptions, supply chain disruptions, subsystem disruptions, market disruptions, processing level disruptions, economic disruptions, human mistakes, energy constraints, and climate wakes all declare gargantuan systems defenseless against any intense alteration. Weather events can cause simultaneous damage to control and production facilities, as well as key suppliers, exposing climate-induced choke points for important products. There would be no Gaian bailout for the damage. Our planet has no notion of too big to fail. Immense centralized concerns are dinosaurs.

BIZOPS Synopsis:

Due to widespread use, the term tipping point has acquired a less than succinct quality, and any clarity once tied to The Climate Tipping Point has gone catawampus. Consequently, many ignore the coming discontinuity in the climate while using the term tipping point for any transition. A recent articles says, “…Events have almost pushed our planet to the tipping point and that global warming may be unstoppable.” Holy cow (flatulence), really? What the heck does “almost pushed our planet to the tipping point” mean?

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