Dec 312014



An issue climatologists have concerns about–in regards to anthropogenic forcing of the radiative balance–is the randomizing of weather events. That means the Chaotic system we call climate becomes too chaotic due to the increasing amount of energy in the atmosphere. The increasing energy in the atmosphere comes from solar rays trapped by our planet through (GHGs) Greenhouse Gases–like carbon dioxide.

Further, it is precisely these events that make certain parties cringe when the media uses the term “Global Warming.” Retained energy, the result of human enhancement of the energy (heat trapping) retention systems of the planet can lead to an over-energized climate and this causes our chaotic (weird, wacky) weather. Or to put it another way: anthropogenic forcing of the radiative balance will eventually complete the process of the tipping point.

So sure, there will be heating due to human activities, but that heating is a false flag.

So what should we be concerned about at the end of 2014?

First, what happens if we do not recognize the real problem, the tipping point, because the population focuses on warming? Well one event, and it has already happened, thanks to fossil fuel lucre fostering misdirection of events and the slut-media parade, is political will cannot focus–on either solutions addressing the tipping point–or even conclude there is a clear and present danger from GHGs.

This means the tipping point will complete, sending our climate into an unrecognizable and deadly regime. Wildly chaotic weather patterns will result. Along with destructive power, events will cause solar panels to degrade quickly, wind generators to fail, electric cars to falter, “green” supply chains to stop working, and dumb-ass sea walls to fail.

Certain parts of the planet are already experiencing the early stages of the tipping point: the Philippines, the intense snow events in the Northeast, the “weather bombs” in Scotland, the extreme drought in California followed by deadly rain events, snow in Southern California, the Pacific super typhoons, the yearly flooding in Miami, and other.

Did you know NOAA already has a term for coastal flooding? They call it, “Minor tidal overflow caused by tidal anomalies.”


GHG (over) production by humans, on a yearly basis, must go negative.

Current treaties do nothing close. The reason is corrupt entrenched interests fight real change if it means many, not the few, will own the reins of power. Coping with the climate, real change, means shared authority.

If we do not respect nature’s weapons of mass destruction, in particular, that tipping point aimed directly at the heart of our society, we are destined to create human misery not seen for thousands of years. That means we  face the facts and deal with the climate in a meaningful manner. Solar panels, wind systems, graphene, 3D printing, tidal generators, electric cars, and space evacuation for the elite are wonderful steps forward. These steps are just not enough to solve the problem, fast enough.

Those who tell you we have until 2050 to address the climate issue by deep reductions in GHG output must have been asleep throughout 2014. Or at a minimum–they have been keeping their eyes shut.

If the climate completes the tipping point event, there will be no going back. This is why developing political will to deal with the big issue of human forcing of the radiative balance is so important. Insofar as damage from the tipping point in 2014? This year is “the good old days” of weather.

Once, I thought the enemy of clarity on the changing climate was misplaced faith in economic engines. Now I see the enemy of clarity is corruption. It runs so deep in our society the corruption has been quantified by scientists. (Watch what happens to these brave scientists and their paper.)

Do you want to know why I write Climatebull, rather than go through the peer review process for my observations? It’s the same reason I write fiction. I do not need to justify art. I just need to state the truth about what faces us and it must be correct.

Fact is, I wish I were wrong.

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