(No Joke)
In that war of words over the changing climate, sparks have erupted between California and Florida. While lobbyists in Florida demand disuse of words like wet, flooding, excess water, global warming, snakes, and sea level rise. Lobbyists in California seek more use of words like wet, flooding, excess water, global warming, and a lessening of words like desert, drought, overhyped, geo-engineering, and stupid. At the same time, the opening of the tornado season in Oklahoma has prompted an effort to disallow words like rain, tornado, huge-ass-hail, and storms–putting Oklahoma and Florida lobbyists at odds with California lobbyists. Parties in Alaska appear to be seeking a ban on the word mud while sources in Colorado are considering a ban on the words forest, beetles, and fires–with an uptick on words like water and hey dude. (This is a joke.)