Time to face reality: The nation state is dead and the corporate state is on the upswing. Our corporate parents and their progeny, the ubiquitous lobbyists, own the conduits of power. Therefore, I suggest that we immediately embrace these next logical steps in our society’s growth:
1) We declare the United States and all the other nations of the planet to be window dressing and abandon them.
2) We embrace the concept of slavery.
The logic here is hard to miss. Corporate entities generate jobs, wealth, the flow of ideas and the creation of capital. A national state focuses on a community of citizens–or it used to. We all know that without a strong economy we have nothing. Why should we keep the middleman of government–an operational expense taking up billions of dollars for graft?
Do away with this national-nonsense that hobbles the growth of corporate power, siphons needed capital, and step boldly forward. Fan the entity that exists solely for profit, allow its canon–rather than leaving it behind a veil of governmental opera–and privatize everything! Forget justice, forget science, forget religion, and remember profits. Can you feel me?
The beauty here is hard to miss: consider global warming. What for? Everything will depend on an entity’s ability to generate revenue, amen–make that aperson–corporate image matters. Anyway, if the climate changes physically or economically, you adjust to it or you go bust. Boy-howdy another slave for the fields and no more ethical discussions about responsibility: Forget critical thinking or principled actions–we make money, abandon the fragile, and own the world. Hallelujah!
Good, evil, truth, immorality, the rights of people, and the duties of one to another–it’s time to toss away those tired notions. The future says see yourself as a profit center. If you don’t generate enough capital to fund operations then you fold, or get acquired by another. This brings me to the other beneficial change brought forth by weakened government: Slavery.
Admit slavery into your life. Become an asset–someone will take care of you–safe and warm in the bosom of his or her portfolio. Learning to please your masters will be an important skill. And there is a business opportunity: teaching the other slaves to step and fetch it. Progress is an important product. Rights? No such things anymore, buy a good attorney. You need capital to fund your operations, if not then someone gets to own you.
The benefits here are hard to miss: Think of all the wasted capital we can recover. Healthcare? Nah. Clean food, so what? Why spend time on anything that doesn’t generate money? Think of the lucidity we will gain and perplexity we will lose. The confusing laws, the states’ responsibilities, societal justice, ethical considerations, or responsibility for citizens–all gone. Instead, everything will be for sale to the highest bidder. We rename the planet Ebay.
No more wasted money on inequity, if people are dying from starvation, then their land gets cheaper opening up more development. Know that a few thousand additional dead means a new hotel–talk about highest and best use for land. Civil unrest? Send in the mercenaries–it’ll also be good for the armaments companies. Massive storms? Get into construction and infrastructure work. Disease or despair? Sell drugs. We not only lose the ridiculous ethic of helping each other, we gain a sunnier outlook on life as well. Can you see the smiley faces with their bright white teeth?
Do you see any downside to slavery or removal of the nation state? Of course not, you are now a fully self-actualized asset. You can see the joy of freedom–one based only on the ability to generate money. From each according to their need, to each according to their greed–you get to hunt my imperfections and I get to hound your flaws. I am not responsible for you and you are not responsible for me. End of discussion. No more philosophical mumbo-jumbo about antiquated notions of civility, we live the bottom line. Greed is good–yawp.
What, you say you don’t have good negotiating skills? Or your accounting capabilities are weak, your skills in art and music don’t make enough money–so what? Go out and get a real job. There are no more handouts and there are plenty of people out there who can stitch up an image or form a jingle. And if someone makes faux culture that brutalizes your psyche and destroys your family, boohoo. You fail and someone gets your assets, nothing personal, chum, and better luck next time. This isn’t Disneyland.
Frankly, I think we are talking a perfect world here. Don’t you? But let’s not eat the poor–it’s an antiquated notion–turn them into compost! Reduce. Recycle. Reuse. But do kill our nation as quickly as possible. All that lobbying hurts the bottom line.
And here is how to bring forth the change. (You didn’t think I’d come up with this marvelous plan and leave you hanging by the details did you.) Starve the government by cutting its funding.
We even have a prototype on how to do it. General Electric Corporation made $5 billion in profits last year here in the US and $14 billion in profits worldwide. They didn’t pay a cent of taxes to the US treasury. Why, because they have been using lobbyists, funding political campaigns, and fighting court battles to make sure they didn’t pay taxes. And GE is not the only corporation doing this. Can the death of nations be far behind? The great smiley face is hard to miss–so hold on. You can be sure it will not miss you.
Point of disclosure: Just in case GE stock rises as a result of my elucidation of their far sighted tactics, I feel it only fair to say that I am currently a GE stockholder. And I have never been so ashamed of an association in all of my life.
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