Our hearts go out to those coping with the damage from the massive storm called Sandy that has assaulted the East Coast of North America and rolls into our midsection. Called the biggest, the most damaging, the Frankenstorm, Sandy, we must remember, is the herald of our pain. A trumpet blaring out the brutal future that could have been avoided by timely and effective government policies.

Before we blame the government, we must recognize that government is a reflection of society. That control of policy remains with those who direct the monies that flow into elections, PACs, and other systems to further the interests of the effectively unconcerned elite. Every well-heeled web site declares concern with the environment – as it impacts comfort and wealth – while the key issue is skirted: Our carbon-based energy generation systems are mortally flawed. So we have a long way to go before we begin to make a dent in the illogical policies of this nation and the as-absurd policies of many other nations of the planet. In the mean time, we will witness intensifying devastation–an oil slick of pain. It will spread fear, anger, and public relations’ spin.

There is little about the storm named Sandy that was not predicted. It only seems like a surprise to those who were taken in by denial, greed, and propaganda.

The horrors of Sandy’s impacts will fade over time, but not because we will forget. The horrors will fade over time because they will become part of the montage, the blur of wounds, the barrage of grief, this war waged by humanity against the planet. A war that our leaders apparently plan to continue by geo-engineering the environment to take control of it–ironically–our expanded carbon footprint is geo-engineering in action.

At what point do we capitulate to the facts of this planet?

That is a question that when answered will declare the beginning of an effective response to anthropogenic forcing of the radiative balance. Until then there will be spin and lobbyists, profits neutering progress, increasing pain and decreasing economic growth. The answer for us is clarity–and the rational steps that it fosters. The enemy is fear.

We will eventually win this war, but only by stepping back and recognizing the enemies are not the planet and its systems. The enemy is human ego and the misaligned belief that we cannot control the juggernaut of myopia. Change is underway. We can no longer ignore the climate forcing of our energy systems. By cutting our use of fossil fuels, biofuels, and other CO2 producing processes, we remove the fuels of climate change–thereby shutting down the engine that forces our climate into producing more and more rabid events.

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