I wonder how many years it will take for truth to overtake the myth of Prohibition.
The Myth:
The National Prohibition Act, known informally as the Volstead Act, was designed to execute the 18th Amendment, which established the prohibition of alcoholic drinks. It had an effective date of January 17, 1920.
The Reality:
The National Prohibition Act, known informally as the Volstead Act, was designed to execute the 18th Amendment, which established gasoline, and not alcohol, as the fuel for the internal combustion engine. Prohibition had an effective date of January 17, 1920.
The Problem:
For years, media told us that the 66th US Congress, had responded to a moral imperative curbing alcohol. Oh please. Moral imperatives, more often than not, have no bearing on government. The fossil fuels industry wanted control of the fuels used by automobiles and the 66th US Congress delivered–despite the benefits of alcohol fuel for cars.
The Solution:
We the people need to buy lobbyists and legislators. Realize the highest bidder can buy parts of our government. Currently, the Supreme Court seems to be up for bids. This, in addition to–and as shown by–the 18th Amendment and other heinous acts by the Legislative parts of our government. Graft and corruption are real; so consider a fund that has one purpose, buying the votes of Legislators and buying the efforts of Lobbyists for a YES vote on a single piece of legislation. Is this an ugly reality? You betcha.
For Example:
Americans could establish a fund to get politicians to vote YES for a single payer healthcare system that provides healthcare to the population as a right, replacing the current for-profit healthcare system in America. It’s a go, no-go situation. The Legislators vote YES or they don’t get the money from the fund. If the pharmaceutical companies, the insurance companies, and the healthcare industry can own Legislators and Lobbyists, why can’t the US population? Myths are stopping effective governing action by the population. We are splintered by folklore.
The current US population is a bit over 255 million adults. Would you pay $1.00 per quarter to buy Lobbyists and Legislators to overthrow the pirates running the healthcare system? A billion dollar fund will be a great lever for positive change.
Or would you donate $1.00 per quarter to pay Lobbyists and Legislators to vote YES on taking US GHG emissions to a net zero condition? To win, all we need to do is face the current state of our nation and deal with it.
—Perhaps one of the large Banks or Brokerage firms might establish one of these funds. Just kidding.–
In the beginning of the 20th Century, a well-funded effort by the fossil fuels industry facilitated passing Prohibition, the 18th Amendment to the Constitution, in just 13 months.
Let’s shed the myths and move forward as a nation.
Happy Birthday, America
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