Nov 082011

From: “The Kings and You”

(With apologies to Thailand and her people)

We’ve just been introduced,
I do not know your wells,
But reelection calls me,
So funding draws me to your hell.

So many politicians,
Are in the lobbyist’s arms.
It made me think…
That you and I might be
Similarly occupied.

Shall we shale?
(Dumb, dumb, dumb)
On a greased cloud of donors shall we lie?
(Dumb, dumb, dumb)
Shall we pump?
(Dumb, dumb, dumb)
Shall we say it’s just “Good-biz” and mean “Good-lies”?
(Dumb, dumb, dumb)

Or perchance,
When the last little drop has left the sands,
(Dumb, dumb, dumb)
Shall we lie there together,
Wallowing sows in our blubber,
And shall shale be my old romance?

On the clear understanding
That this graft of things does happen,
Shall we pump?
Shall we frack?
Shall we dance?

The Kings and Queens:
One, and two, and three and?

On the cancer-cloud, shale-oil, shall we fly?

The Kings and Queens:
Three mil?

Then, when the next, mega-storm has wrecked a state.
(Dumb, dumb, dumb)
Shall we hide somewhere together?
Fearing mobs and vicious weather,
Or in jail…Finding new romance?

The Kings and Queens:
One, and two, and three and million is not enough?

Lay a pipe?
For shale–soup of harm–to feed your might?
(Dumb, dumb, dumb)
Or shale we say, “It’s hope, and mean good-lies”?
(Dumb, dumb, dumb)
Or perchance,
Do we stop the death of children?
Standing for our nation, with morality, the new romance?

The Kings and Queens:
One and two and–
Four million’s the top–

So I guess I just can’t stop it.
Dig the poison and I’ll pump it.
Once elected I’ll deny it.
Feed them lies.
Let them die.
Feed them cake.
(Dumb, dumb, dumb)

On the clear understanding
That destruction really happens,
See Siam. Shale we pump? Shall we frack?
(Dumb, dumb, dumb)

–Sorry the video was blocked by FOX–

Enjoy the music

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